Chenyu Zhang 张宸宇

Master student in Data Science (2022-2023)
Data Science Institute
Columbia University
1150 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027


Research [CV]

My long-term research goal is to combine efficient optimization algorithms and tailored machine learning frameworks with strong theoretical guarantees to address societal challenges.

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#00876255'}}}%% flowchart LR A[Societal Challenges] <--> B B[Machine Learning Frameworks] <--> C C[Efficient Optimization Methods] <--> D D[Mathematical Foundations]

With this goal in mind, my current research interests are in decision-making (reinforcement learning & control), multi-agent machine learning (federated learning & game), and optimization.

Publications [Google Scholar]

Projects [GitHub]